Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lisa Lampanelli - Take It Like A Man

So here, finally on YouTube, is the entire LL show, clocking at around an hour. This is one crazy biaaatch. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky And The Media

As promised, "Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky And The Media". Apologies that it is in so many short segments.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Power Of Nightmares, Part 3 - The Shadows In The Cave

As promised, the final part of the BBC documentary. Up next in documentary films, Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent".

Lisa Lampanelli, Addendum

Two more clips from the same Improv show as before, dealing with Kobe Bryant, Laci Peterson and Clay Aiken. May offend! In fact, should offend! Check out her official website at www.insultcomic.com

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment, January 2nd 2007 - "Sacrifice"

Powerful stuff from Keith Olbermann, who is on MSNBC (yes, THAT MSNBC) and has balls the size of lobsterpots. Regressive right wing folks detest him and cannot for the life of them figure out how he managed to have a show on a mainstream news channel. To be honest, neither can I, since all the others steer well clear of uncomfortable truths about the Bushpeople. Give 'em hell, Olbie!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Don Henley, Part 1

Another great artist, Don Henley, formerly (then currently, then formerly again, etc.) of The Eagles. First up, from 1990, "The End Of The Innocence", expressing sadness about both the loss of personal innocence while growing up, and the dangerous political climate in the world shortly before that time, when an incompetent simpleton was President of the United States, and was waging wars in foreign lands he could not find on a map (he thought Nicaragua was in the Middle East). Good thing we have moved on since then, eh?

From 2000, the beautiful "Taking You Home" from his "Inside Job" album.

And before all of this, there was, of course, "The Boys Of Summer" - another great, award winning video from 1985.

Next up in Music, as Rumsfeld would say, who knows? Depends on how I feel.